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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Who the Owner of a Country?

CITIZEN. Yes, we are the owner of a country. An ordinary citizen not a Politician, PM or anyone who work for them. The government just a manager of a country. But we are citizens is the owner. We are the tax payer. We pay them to run our country. And in return we want a stability economic, security and freedom of human right.So, why when we are the owner of a country---rich country like our country--- live in poverty---- eat not eat, sleep not sleep, hot and cold, flood, feel insecure because of increase of criminals? Why? Isn't it our right to get good education, housing, security etc..because we are the owner of a country?What are the people up they doing? Are they think about us? The one who pay them to managed our country in high cost? Let's compare our lives with them. They have Mercedes as private vehicle, they give us a Mercedes also...but as public vehicle. The wear Prada, Armani, Gucci, and we...happy enough to wear normal clothes we bought from pasar malam. Why? because we spend our money for their payment.We are the owner of a country. We don't want a Mercedes BMW, Porsche, we just want a good public transport. We want feel secure in our live without scared being robbed, rapped, murder... We want our voice to be hear. Fix the canal so when rain more flood.We are the owner of a country. You, people up there..have responsibility to us. To provide better lifestyle, education, housing and food. That's why we choose you..because we believe you can make our country a better place for us, the Owner.We are the owner of a country! We are citizen!

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